What outcomes can I expect from participating in the Launch Pad?

You'll leave the Launch Pad with:

  • 3-5 career ‘themes’; broad, defined career directions that fit who you are and what you’re excited by 
  • At least one tangible career idea that you’ve tested in the real world, without risking your finances – and a proven process for testing more
  • Clarity on what your skills are, and how to express what you’re good at in a way that maximises your chances of securing work in your future chosen field
  • A new set of connections in fields that inspire you – and the ability to make new inspiring connections at any time
  • A support network of bright, motivated, like-minded Launch Pad alumni from around the world
  • A new mindset about what's possible for you and how to create, rather than wait, for exciting work opportunities that are right for you​ 
  • Complimentary ongoing quarterly momentum calls for as long as you need them after the course

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